
Meet Our Team

At Love Capital Partners, we are proud to have a dedicated team who are committed to delivering exceptional results for our investors. With years of experience and expertise in the real estate industry, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and strategic insight to every investment opportunity.

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Managing Partner


Merrick Lee Jr

Merrick embarked on his professional journey as a Digital Marketing expert, amassing over 12 years of experience in pioneering technological innovations. With a keen interest in the dynamic realm of Real Estate, Merrick ventured into partnering with top operators, property management companies and brokerage firms where he’s able to create valuable returns for his investors through multifamily purchases.


Merrick’s proactive approach and forward-thinking mindset has enabled him to stay ahead of market trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities. His ability to forge strong relationships has proven instrumental in sourcing high-quality deals and securing favorable terms for his investors. His commitment to excellence, coupled with his innovative spirit and unwavering determination, continues to drive his pursuit of excellence in multifamily real estate investment.


In addition to his professional endeavors, Merrick is deeply committed to giving back to the community and supporting charitable causes that align with his values. He believes in using his success to make a positive impact on the lives of others and strives to create meaningful change through philanthropy and social responsibility.



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Blasé Punturo

With over 30 years of expertise in real estate and financial services, Blaise Punturo has a wealth of experience. He has collaborated with prominent hedge funds and family offices, facilitating the acquisition of new clients and real estate investments.


Throughout the past two decades, Blaise has personally engaged in purchasing and selling numerous investment properties in New York City and Long Island. His strategy involves opportunistic acquisitions, value addition, and lucrative sales, resulting in substantial profits.


Derek Peterson

Derek, through his firm, Adapt Media Agency, stands as a leading force in marketing and branding within the Real Estate Syndication and Health Industries. With a track record of success, Derek has spearheaded branding initiatives for over 800 companies, resulting in the management of assets exceeding $35 billion, encompassing over 225,000 multi-family apartment units in the Real Estate Syndication realm, and generating millions in sales for his health and wellness clients.


Between 2012 and 2017, Derek founded and managed three thriving organizations in the medical sector. Throughout his tenure, he orchestrated the growth of national sales teams to over 2500 members, pioneered innovative software solutions, and brought about disruptive changes within various industries.

Asset Managers


Jacey McCowan

Jacey is a seasoned professional in project management and construction, adept at budgeting, forecasting, and client relations. As Owner and Managing Member of GreenHAUS Investment Group, LLC, she oversees operations in Dallas, Texas, excelling in zoning changes, contracts, and marketing.


She has guided multimillion-dollar projects to success. Her expertise spans project lifecycle management, budget control, and stakeholder coordination.


Jacey holds a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Construction Management from Louisiana State University and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Known for her proactive approach and community engagement, Jacey is committed to excellence in every endeavor.


Andre Loney

With over a decade of leadership experience and a comprehensive background spanning construction, home inspection, and appraising, Andre brings a wealth of expertise to the multifamily real estate investment sphere.


Drawing from his diverse skill set across various facets of the real estate industry, Andre possesses a discerning eye for identifying lucrative investment prospects and maximizing asset value. His hands-on involvement in construction and extensive experience in high-end home appraisals afford him a unique advantage in property evaluation, ensuring optimal performance and ROI.


Whether navigating intricate market dynamics, optimizing property performance, or executing strategic investment plans, Andre is steadfast in his commitment to delivering unmatched results and fostering enduring success within the multifamily real estate sector.


Leonard Allen

Leonard Allen’s distinguished career spans 39 years as a Major in the Army Nurse Corps, coupled with his role as a College of Nursing Instructor and an Ordained Minister. His expertise shines in managing multimillion-dollar projects for the Army’s Regional Health Command Central, overseeing operations across six hospitals spanning four states.


Leonard’s proactive involvement in both civilian and military spheres includes organizing impactful medical events and fundraisers for nursing organizations. His adeptness in coordinating with stakeholders and nurturing positive relationships underscores his ability to guide individuals through significant investments.


With strengths in excellent communication and critical thinking, Leonard Allen is poised to elevate asset management for multifamily properties, leveraging his wealth of experience and unwavering dedication to excellence.

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